Component quote

To quote a satisfied customer, a specialist owner to better present your product or service? Component quote you quickly and easily allows.

Why is it good to use the Web component Quote

  • Quote enhances the credibility of the entire website, product, service.
  • Quote satisfied clients can positively influence purchase decisions of potential customers.
  • Důležitou citaci oddělíte od ostatního textu grafickým stylem.
  • Vyberete styl citace, který se vám líbí - s linkou, uvozovkami nebo blokově podbarvenou.

Setting components Quote

  • Template - determines the form of quotations displayed on the site.
  • Quoted text - in this field you write quoted text.
  • Author - each quotation to the web should be referred to the author.

Templates component Citations

  • Block-tinged Quotes - quoted text is tinged with gray, the author quotes listed below.
  • Quotations of line - before the text is inserted to the left of the light gray vertical line.
  • Quotations with quotation marks - in this field you write quoted text.

Block-tinged quotes

Interpersonal computers will surely revolutions in communication and group work.
Steve Jobs

Quote with the line

Love shows man goal of his life. Reason shows the means to implement it.
Tomáš Garrique Masaryk

Quotes with quotation marks

No company grow to the size, if not invent a way to change the director of laborers.
Tomáš Baťa

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