Component Conversion button

Conversion button is on site essential. Invites potential customers to take action. Conversion can include a call button and a link to the appropriate place on the web.

Why is it good to use the Web Component Conversion button

  • Helps to increase product sales.
  • Thanks to reach the desired action that is most important to you.
  • You will take the user to a specific offer.
  • Button has inverse or standard form.

Setting the key components of Conversion


  •      Text button - print text located in the button where the user clicks
  •      Link button - the button acts as a link pointing anywhere you need
  •      Button Style - Inverse or Standard
  •      Alignment - key can align center, right, left, or the entire width of the page
  •      The size of a button - a standard, small, medium, large, largest
  •      Display text - over a button or click below
  •      Colored the box - with a conversion key

Samples components Conversion button

Standard button

Standard button

Standard button

Inverse button

Inverse button


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